Connectivity for a hospital in South West Tanzania


The Milo Healthcare Clinic sits at an elevation of 7000 feet in the mountainous Tanzanian highlands. The roads are not surfaced and transport options are very limited - anyone trying to reach the Milo Healthcare Clinic needs a four wheel drive.

The Milo team contacted Jangala in 2021 to see if Big Box could help them connect the clinic in order to improve their staff’s access to online health advice from specialists, open up research into specific illnesses and treatments, and digitalise their ways of working.

Although the clinic has very poor network coverage, Big Box has been coupled with a high-gain antenna to secure the best signal possible and is successfully providing a Wi-Fi network to the staff at Milo to use as part of their daily activities.

Milo Healthcare Clinic

Location: Tanzania

Status: Live

Sector: Healthcare

Deployment date: September 2021


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