Connecting women in emergency housing in the UK


In partnership with the Riverside Community Big Local, part of the Local Trust, we have connected our second emergency housing shelter, this time specifically for women and children in Thurrock. 

The 10 bedroom accommodation consists of 3 flats, each with a communal kitchen and diner, and is a temporary home to 10 different young families and their children. We provided four Get Boxes to distribute connectivity through the entire property, using a single unlimited SIM card.

Preparing the Get Boxes

Preparing the Get Boxes

The Local Trust, who support and fund local projects across England,via Riverside Community Big Local are covering the ongoing data costs. In contrast to conventional top down, time-limited, project-led funding, the funding awarded to each Big Local area is provided on the basis that it can be spent over 10 years on the communities’ own chosen plans and priorities at their pace.

In this instance, the Riverside Community Big Local team decided that connecting people during the pandemic was one of their priorities. Through this partnership, we’re supporting women to access crucial social services, employment and training opportunities, as well as keep in touch with important people in their lives. The children at the accommodation will also be able to continue any studies online, stay connected to their loved ones, and safely enjoy entertainment.


Connectivity for a hospital in South West Tanzania


Big Box delivers Christmas connectivity in the Orkney Isles