Jangala Annual Report 2020-21

At the start of 2020, Jangala was making great progress in our mission to empower our partner organisations to deliver essential public services such as healthcare, education and disaster response.

As the Covid-19 crisis escalated around the world, our Big Box deployments began to stall and soon after they stopped entirely. This new challenge highlighted the need for a smaller system that could deliver Wi-Fi to tens of people rather than 100s: we conceived Get Box, designed specifically to tackle important connectivity needs at a household level.

Read our Annual Report to find out about:

  • our pandemic response

  • our new product Get Box

  • how Big Box (and now Get Box) have been connecting people all over the world

  • our 2021/22 plans.

Download it here.


Thank you Lenovo Foundation


Press release: Jangala deploys Wi-Fi solution to vulnerable during Covid-19