We Are Partnering with #CovConnects to Tackle Digital Exclusion in Coventry

Organisation: #CovConnects

Location: Coventry

In today's digitally driven world, the problem of digital exclusion is more crucial than ever, especially for those in underserved communities.

With a commitment to levelling the playing field in technology access, we're teaming up with #CovConnects, a Coventry City Council digital inclusion initiative, to provide free internet connectivity to digitally marginalised individuals in Coventry. Supported by Virgin Media O2, this collaboration marks an exciting milestone in our journey of equalising technology, for everyone.

Jangala donated 200 Get Boxes to  #CovConnects. These devices will be distributed to Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise organisations across the city with the aim of tackling digital exclusion and poverty.

Get Boxes provide secure and reliable Wi-Fi access enabling both individuals and families to be connected. The data is provided for free by Virgin Media O2 through the National Databank, established in partnership with Good Things Foundation.

The impact of the initiative in the locality is already evident from feedback shared by Valley House about an initial pilot ran last year in 2023. Residents in temporary accommodation have benefited greatly from access to Get Boxes, enabling them to stay connected to vital services, education, employment opportunities, and social activities. Caroline, Director of Operations at Valley House, emphasised the importance of the pilot, stating, "Our service users have found the Get Boxes very beneficial, it has given them, and their children access to a wider range of opportunities, such as education, employment, and social activities."

Adrienne Bellingeri, Head of Customer Services at Coventry City Council, shares the importance of this initiative: "All aspects of our lives are increasingly heading online. Employment opportunities, public services, and even everyday tasks rely on the Internet more than ever. That’s why #CovConnects are working hard to reduce the digital divide in our city."

Richard Thanki, Co-Founder and Managing Director here at Jangala, shares his vision about the pilot prgramme: "Connectivity in today’s world is more than just access to the internet; it’s access to opportunities, information, and community. We are delighted to be working with the #CovConnects team at Coventry City Council as part of Jangala’s mission to connect 4 million people to the internet globally by 2029."

Dana Haidan, Chief Sustainability Officer at Virgin Media O2, echoes this sentiment "We’re proud to support #CovConnects and Coventry City Council via our partnership with Jangala to power Get Boxes with free O2 mobile data from the National Databank. This will support communities across the city to stay in touch with loved ones, and access essential online services."

The Jangala x #CovConnects Pilot is combining resources, expertise, and a shared commitment to digital inclusivity. Through initiatives like this one, we are not only providing access to the internet but unlocking a world of opportunities for those who need it most. Wraparound support will be provided to organisations and residents, including connectivity, skills training, and ongoing assistance and support to ensure maximum benefit.


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