Connectivity for a healthcare clinic in Embo, South Africa


Read an update about how connectivity has helped at the Embo Healthcare Clinic here.

In the informal settlement of Embo in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, Embo Community Church are running a healthcare clinic supported by Medic Assist International (MAI) that caters for almost 40,000 people in a community that is suffering from high rates of HIV/AIDS, as well as a drug-resistant tuberculosis epidemic.

In cooperation with MAI and Jonesthefone Consulting, Jangala provided the healthcare clinic with a Big Box in January 2020 to replace the single dongle and laptop that comprised of their entire internet access.

Pastor Leonard Gcabashe was instrumental in setting up the clinic

Pastor Leonard Gcabashe was instrumental in setting up the clinic

‘We strongly believe this Wi-Fi project will help to bring a great change in the lives of our community. It will provide access to up-to-date health education material for staff to share with patients in our clinic, in our 24-hour care home and on home visits. Also, lines of communication between clinic staff and hospital will be improved, which will speed up diagnosis and access to treatment,’ according to Pastor Leonard Gcabashe, the community leader in Embo who - as MAI’s local partner - has been instrumental in establishing the HIV/TB clinic. ‘We really appreciate your love and support which is enabling us to respond to the needs of our community.’


Recycled smartphones have been sourced by Jonesthefone Consulting in cooperation with Against Breast Cancer for the healthcare staff in Embo to use at work. These phones won’t need SIM cards as they’ll connect straight to the Wi-Fi provided by Big Box.

‘Connecting the healthcare clinic in Embo represents a huge milestone for Jangala – we hope it’s going to have a really positive impact on the work of the staff and lives of the patients they look after,’ says Jangala co-founder Nils O’Hara.

This picture shows Big Box securely locked up at the healthcare clinic

This picture shows Big Box securely locked up at the healthcare clinic

Donated iPhones for healthcare workers at the clinic

Donated iPhones for healthcare workers at the clinic

Organisation: Embo Community Church, Medic Assist International and Jonesthefone Consulting

Location: Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

Status: -

Sector: Healthcare

Deployment date: February 2020

Users to date: -


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