Connecting school children from low-income households


In time for the start of 2020’s autumn term, we delivered 15 Get Boxes to a London-based school to provide home Wi-Fi for students from low-income households and their families during lockdown.

50% of the school’s students qualify for pupil premium and many do not have the connectivity required to keep up with their education as it moves online. Despite the school’s best efforts, loaning their own chromebooks and providing government issue devices and dongles to the students, some of their students were still left without devices or Wi-Fi.  ‘We have been unable to find a cost effective way to provide Wi-Fi to students,’ said the school’s headteacher.

There are an estimated 700,000 children across the UK who are unable to complete any schoolwork because of a lack of internet at home. With the UK subject to rolling lockdowns, these children risk falling further behind with their schoolwork compared to their peers from higher income backgrounds, further driving social inequality. Numerous research studies have highlighted the link between poverty and digital exclusion, but also the crucial role that closing the digital divide plays in building a more equitable society.

Get Box provides a secure, time-controlled, and data-efficient way to get students online so that they can continue their education with minimal disruption. With the school covering monthly 4G data costs, the families of the supported students have also been able to use the Wi-Fi for home working, online shopping or accessing essential services.

Organisation: Clapton-based school

Location: London, UK

Deployment date: October 2020


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